Thursday, July 18, 2013

Little Red Table, or Two!

Many years ago I dabbled in a few refinish projects.  Fast forward to 2013 and I have my hands on furniture again and loving every minute of it.  Don't get me wrong, it is hard work, for me almost therapeutic.  I tend to block everything out and just concentrate on the piece I am working on.

This is my first attempt in years at revamping a piece.
I found this at a yard sale for $20.00.  I like to preserve wood as much as possible but this little gem needed a makeover.

Notice the dust,  they didn't even take the time to dust it off  before the put it up for sale.  The top party of this stand would swivel if you wanted to turn the TV.

I decided to take it apart and make 2 tables out if it.

A little sanding, some spray paint and here we go.  I love the color.  I live in a log home so I have lots of what you may call the wood color in my house :). 

She sits on the back porch.  The chairs will get a face lift some day as well.

Ok for the second table,  I put some legs on it, spray painted it and there you have it, table #2.  I don't  think she will stay there, my back porch is a work in progress.

Thanks for stopping by.

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