Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Dinning chairs

September 1 2013
Ok I am painting these chairs for my dining room.  I didn’t want to spend a lot of money so I found 2 of these at a garage sale; I bought the pair for $25.00.  The other 2 I bought at an auction and I paid $20.00 for the pair.  I thought if I painted them the same color and recovered them the same it would bring them together and not look so mismatched.

I was up and out in the garage at 7am this morning painting these chairs.  I heard this deer snort down in the timer and it made me smile.  I remember the first time I heard a deer snort, it was just a couple of years ago, it was dark outside and I was walking from the house to the barn.  Something scared this deer, probably me walking outside and not only did it snort but it was running in the timber, you could hear the leaves rustle and it was going in the same direction I was and just kept snorting.  The first thing that popped in my mine was SASQUATCH.  Talk about overcoming your fears!  It took everything I had in me to keep walking to the barn and not fall to the ground, curl up in a little ball and scream “I want my Daddy.” It wasn’t until I got back in the house and told Rick of the noise did I learn it was a deer snorting.  So with that said every time I hear a deer snort it makes me smile.

September 7 2013

Today I finished the distressing and put on a coat of glaze.

PS. I scrapbook also, these chairs are on my scrapping table drying.

September 15th 2013
Yesterday I was up at 5am and put the first coat of Polly on the chairs. Then this morning I put a second coat on.  Now I am moving on the seat cushions. When I took them off a few weeks ago I found out they had been recovered many times  When I bought them, they looked like this.

 This was the next cover.

 The did add a little padding to this recovering.

 Then there was this one.

 Then this blue, it took a beating!

This was the orginal cover.

Can you say "lots of work"

Now I am off to recovering the seat.  I first bought 1" high density foam.
Then I covered them with a batting.  Now they are ready for years of use in my dinning area.

Thanks for stopping by.

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