Monday, December 29, 2014


This little Gem was made well.  I named her after my Grandma.  Grandma always use to say "You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear"  I sure do miss her.  I think Mary turned out real nice.

The first thing I did was get rid of the bottom trim.  She got a couple coats of paint then a coat of glaze. 

Some distressing was in order.

I love how the glaze sticks in the cracks. 

I really like these pulls.

I had Mary for a while before I knew what I was going to do with her.  I turned her into a printer stand.  I used the top drawer for my purse and the bottom drawer for paper recycle. 

Thanks for stopping by.  

Friday, December 19, 2014


This is my dad.  To me he is the best dad in the world.  On August 26th 2014 he traded his flannel shirt for a pair of Angle wings.  

This is one of dad old shirts.  He wore this one a lot. He liked to cut the sleeves out of them.

This is a pillow I picked up.

Now I have to say I don't sew much but I really wanted to make this.  I sewed Dad's shirt into a pillow cover.  When I was done I unbuttoned the shirt, stuffed the pillow inside and buttoned it back up and there you have it.  This was easy to do and I have  something to remember him by that I can pick up and squeeze.

Thanks for stopping by. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Christmas decor on the Landing

I bought this at my favorite place to shop, the Junk Asylum a few months ago.  Rick and I had a family cook out and I used it as a cooler but I needed a place to put it for the winter right!!

This is my landing going down to the basement.  You see the door there? Well that door is really a table I had on my back porch.  I needed a place to store it for the winter so I put it there on the landing, unscrewed the legs and hid them behind the door.  It's getting close to Christmas so why not put a wreath on the door for a little decoration.

I moved the other pine trees out of the way and this is 
where I put the wash tub. I bought a small tree from 
Good Will and decorated it up in the tub.

This little guy I got at Good Will also.

Yep, you guessed it he came from good will also. 
 The decorations on the tree came from the dollar store. 
 I really didn't spend much money on the project.

I put the original pine trees back in the project,  I went dumpster diving to get them,  My boss had tossed them out in the dumpster several years back and I went in after them.  I did put lights on them but opted not to do any more decorating on them. 

I just love this little set up, The poinsettias I have had for years. 

I have another idea for this wire basket (from Junk Asylum) but until I get around to it I think it looks great right where it's at, and Mike the Moose is doing a fine job hanging onto the.

This little red wagon will end up in the yard planted 
with flowers next year but for now  it is serving a
 great purpose here on the landing. 

This is a minnow bucket I bought from the Junk Asylum
 I have it filled with  poinsettias. 

This is the inside of the minnow bucket with  poinsettias in it also.

I just love this little junk corner of Christmas decor. Mike
 the Moose is the only new thing I have in this display.

Rick and I both think this is our favorite 
Christmas decor display in the house. 

Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, December 15, 2014

A day at the beach

This is an 8 inch by 8 inch shadow box.  I was my Dad's date at a Ducks Unlimited banquet and I  won this in a raffle.  It was in a bag full of goodies.  I knew I would not use it as it was so I just held onto it to use at a later date.

My cousins Birthday was approaching soon  and I had an Idea.  Her favorite place to vacation is Sanibel Island Florida so I turned the shadow box into this.  I am also a Scrapbooker so I used a beach themed paper for the background.  I do like barefoot wine so that one was easy all I had to do was drink wine and save the corks :).  I cut them in half and I used a shell we had picked up from the island to glue on the center.  I did lift this idea from pinterest. 

Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Outside Christmas Tree

We spent most of the summer working on our back yard area and I knew I wanted to put up a tree.

I needed something to hold the tree from blowing over of falling over from a critter weather it be one of the outside cats, a possum or a raccoon.  Thanks to Funky Junk Interiors I built the tree inside a step ladder.  

Every tree needs a star!

I had a family dinner and had all the kids help me out and paint pine cones I picked up in the yard.

For the garland I used torn shirts.

I built this tool box a while ago and I fixed it to the part of the ladder that folds down to put your paint can on, anyway I put Mr and Mrs Claus in this tool box.  This was a lot of fun.

Thanks for stopping by.